Effective: 28 March 2023
Cookies help us make your experience of Gen H better
A cookie is a small bit of data that is sent to your web browser by the website you’re visiting. Your browser may save the cookie to your device, and if you visit the website again, it will send the cookie back to the website. This allows the website to change based on the contents of the cookie – for example, signing you back in to your account if you were signed in before.
Cookies can be used for many different purposes depending on what the website you’re visiting needs them to do. At Gen H we use cookies for the following purposes:
Essential cookies
These are necessary for our website to function – for example, giving you access to parts of the website that are just for you, and helping to keep your data secure. If you have completely turned off cookies in your browser then you might find some parts of our website don’t work as expected.
Functionality cookies
Some of the features of Gen H use cookies to remember who you are or what your preferences were for when you use them again, like speaking to us on web chat. These cookies are optional, and you might find some features won’t work until you agree to them.
Analytics cookies
We use these cookies to understand how the Gen H website is being used by our visitors, like which features are they using and if there are parts that aren’t working. This helps us understand how we can make Gen H work better for you. These cookies are optional.
Marketing cookies
These cookies allow us to recommend Gen H products that are relevant to you through ads on other apps and websites. These cookies are optional. If you haven’t agreed to these cookies, you might still see Gen H ads, but they won’t be personalised to you.
Consenting to cookies
We will ask for your consent to use non-essential cookies so we can make sure you’re having the best experience on the Gen H website. If you’d like to change your cookie preferences, you can use the features of your web browser to remove all Gen H cookies. We will ask for your preferences again on your next visit. These links tell you how to remove cookies in the most popular browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Safari iOS / Mac
- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
If you have any questions about our cookie policy or our use of cookies please email [email protected].