Gen H New Build Boost

Boost your new build budget

Boost your deposit with a 15% interest-free equity loan and buy a home you love, sooner.

house on star background
Say you’re buying a
new build...
You bring at least a 5% deposit
You take an 80% mortgage with Gen H
We’ll give you a 15% interest-free boost to close the gap!

Buying a new build home is hard

Lenders have extra restrictions for new build properties – especially for buyers with small deposits.

Hand stop sign

That’s why we made New Build Boost

On eligible new build properties, you can get a standard 80% mortgage plus a 15% boost to help you buy your home.

The boost is an equity loan that’s frozen for 5 years and interest-free forever.

Boosted image
A New Build Boost mortgage broker will help you decide if this scheme is right for you. Specific mortgage rates apply.

Launch partners

We’re partnering with one of the largest home builder groups in the UK. Find out more about their homes and the scheme. More home builders will be joining the scheme over time!

Persimmon | Charles Church

See New Build Boost in action

Frozen for the first 5 years

The boost is an equity loan which is frozen for the first 5 years. That means if you pay back your boost within those 5 years, you’ll only repay exactly what you borrowed.

Chart showing frozen balance

Keep or pay off your boost

You can start paying off your boost after the first year of your mortgage.

At the 5-year mark, the value of your boost will jump up or down to reflect any change in your property’s value since you bought. Then it’ll continue to go up or down as the property value changes over time.

Illustration of choice

Capped at 2x and interest-free forever!

No matter how much your property increases in value, you’ll never have to pay interest on your boost or repay more than 2x what you borrowed.

Plus, in that situation, your home would also have doubled in value!

Chart showing equity cap

Budget boost estimator

Total household income

per year
Budget with New Build Boost*
Minimum deposit needed (5%)
New Build Boost equity loan (15%)
Budget with a standard 95% mortgage*
Minimum deposit needed (5%)
The boost is an equity loan and you may pay back more than you borrowed. Specific mortgage rates apply.


New Build Boost explainer – updated February 2025

Scheme rules and procedures – v1.0 – updated February 2025